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A choir of children together with Sinfonia Verdi create a new piece of music inspired by a poem by the Native American Leader, Chief Seattle (1788-1866).

“Whatever befalls the Earth
Befalls the sons and daughters of the earth.
We did not weave this web of life,
We are merely a strand in it.
Whatever we do to the web,
We do to ourselves….”


Taking inspiration from the poem and using techniques from Indian and minimalist music, the piece consists of a framework within which everyone can contribute their ideas for either choral or orchestral sections.

During composition and performance workshops, young singers will be encouraged to contribute to the final composition. They will be able to say to their friends and family “that was my bar” or “I thought of putting those notes there!”

The children’s choir will then rehearse and perform the final piece in a concert with Sinfonia Verdi.